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Wanted: people who have stopped using MT

Wanted: people who have stopped using MT

Duncan Riley> our first wanted ad! I’m putting together a little project yet to be officially named (and I’m not giving away too many hints at this stage) and I’m looking for people who have stopped using MT for blogging and are now using other stand alone blogging platforms, such as WordPress, PMachine and similar.
I’m no Denton or Calacanis, so there’s no pot of money for contributing, only the glory of free promotion and seeing your words and face on a new website. I need your story about changing, the positives, and preferably a picture of yourselves, and naturally your blogs details. Your content may be shortened or used in extract when published but your words will not be changed, and each story published will include a link to your blog. So start writing, tentative launch date is 2 weeks so start sending them to [email protected]. Also anybody wishing to contribute tech guides or review guides on non MT blogging platforms I’d like to here from you!

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