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New problems at Technorati?

New problems at Technorati?

Darren writes over at Problogger about the problems he’s having at Technorati. Like Darren I get a fair few emails on this topic as well, but I guess because I can remember when Technorati was totally broken last year I look at Technorati the way its working now and see a glass half full as opposed to half empty. Sure, its still not perfect but they are doing a much better job now than they were, Dave Sifry listened to the criticism and responded. I’ve even gone back to using Technorati nearly daily after having sworn off the service previously.

Dave, if you’re reading this, perhaps you’d like to share what else Technorati is doing to improve services? Certainly I’ve had enough feedback to know that some sites aren’t being indexed, although I suspect this maybe 3rd party related (ie who they ping) as opposed to Technorati itself….

Are you having problems with Technorati? leave some comments and if Dave doesn’t respond I’ll email some of them across to him.

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  • I was about to write a post about my recent Technorati problems.

    All of my older Newsome.Org links drop off as new ones are added. The problem is that no links older than a couple of weeks are retained, either in my list or in my linkcount.

    On Friday, my oldest link was 21 days ago. I got linked a few times over the weekend, and now my oldest is only 18 days old.

    My linkcount numbers are less than half what they were a couple of weeks ago.

  • I’ve had a heck of a time claiming my wordpress blogs. The code’s correct but I have to use a url that nobody will link to in order to get it claimed. So I don’t benefit from having any blogs that link to me being shown. That’s frustrating since I know I have many links from blogs that are listed in technorati. I’ve even claimed a blogger blog that I have a link from and it still doesn’t show up.

  • I posted on this too and for some reason the trackback didn’t ping you. I’ve tried to straighted out similar link count problems since August–links not counted, links falling off. I finally wrote to David Sifry. He and Niall said they’d work on it, but now that I see the scope of the problem–I knew others were having trouble, I just didn’t realize how many–I understand why they never finished with mine.

  • My blog stopped being indexed by Technorati on December 1st even though I post daily and ping with Ping-o-matic. I didn’t notice this lapse until one month later when it fell out of Google. I submitted support emails to both Technorati and Google (and wrote a haiku about the problem). I never heard back from either, but Technorati began indexing my blog again within 24 hours.

    I don’t make any money from my site, but I think that people that want beer haiku should be able to find it. ;-) Like it or not, Google and Technorati are two prime methods of people finding me so it’s discouraging when they are not working properly.


  • I was wondering where to find a good beer haiku.

    I’ve practically given up on technorati. People link to me but I never see it. Of course who did we complain about before they were around….

  • Howdy, thanks for the post! Things at Technorati have been steadily improving, and we’ve made some major fixes and tweaks to the biggest issues that users were having, namely not being indexed or being indexed correctly, and issues with blog claiming.

    There are always outlyers, and there have been problems with 3rd party ping providers in the past, when they got overloaded, so I suggest that you ping technorati directly after you post – you can get all the details on how to do it and how to add it to your blog at

    I’ve also asked our community manager, Niall Kennedy to personally look into everyone’s complaints in the comments as well. We’ll get to the bottom of things as quickly as possible.

    Sorry about the issues, and we’re committed to fixing the issues, or at least explaining what’s going on, in as timely a fashion as possible. Sorry for the unresponsiveness to support emails, we’ve just been growing like crazy and have gotten backlogged in the support queue.

    In the future, if you have any other concerns or issues, please drop me an email directly to dsifry AT technorati DOT com, or you can call my mobile phone at 415 846-0232.

    Thanks. And sorry about the frustrations.


  • My biggest beef with Technorati is that my link count hasn’t changed in many months, despite the fact that I have steadily amassed more and more incoming links. It’s basically “stuck” in the past.

    I do like the fact that you can add many tags to your blog so when people search for, in my case, “psychotic” or “comment whore” or any number of other relevant cateogories, they can find me.

    I generally find the tech support almost nonexistent. I’ve contacted Technorati countless times about my link count, to absolutely no avail.

    But the service does rock, overall. Just has some glitches that can be frustrating.

  • Technorati worked fine for me until a few days ago. Now every ping attempt is ignored, whether sent using the trackback ping or by going to Technorati’s website. Technorati’s software says my last post was more than a day ago even though I have posted manyu individual things in the interim and have tried to send the ping numerous times, with no results. As a result of all this my traffic is down. When I look around the web tonight, I see that many have had similar problems starting in January or February. At least one has had no response to their emails (except automated responses) for something like a month. That’s discouraging. I hope this isn’t something I’ll still be struggling with a week and a month from now.

  • Gina,

    I just checked, and your site is indexed just fine. Don’t be dismayed if it takes more than a few minutes to see your posts indexed, sometimes there are caching issues with search results or occastionally we do have issues or downtime, but we’re almost always up quickly.


  • My blog no longer shows up in Blog Finder for any of my keywords. I use to be number 10 under the term “investing” and now I am no longer listed under any of my terms.

    I also just noticed that Technorati indicates that my blog was last updated 41 days ago. Yikes, I post at least a few times a week. Any help would be appreciated.

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