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How I Blog: Rich Ottum

How I Blog: Rich Ottum

This is the seventh post in our “How I Blog” series. To read the rest, visit the archives. Interested in participating? Drop us a note about ‘How I Blog’ along with a photo or yourself or your blogging space at tips [at] blogmedia [dot] biz.

Rich Ottum Photo

Rich Ottum, Editor, Blogger.

Most of the subject matter for my blogging is inspired by my online and offline reading habits. To aid in the process of reviewing topics, I use the Bloglines RSS reader with separate folders for the multiple blogs I author. I scan Bloglines at least twice a day. I also subscribe to several marketing industry email newsletters, which provide topic-specific content I can review.

In the evening, I read business magazines, and dog-ear or tear out pages to leave by the computer for future use.

See Also
i don't know what to do purpose

When I am ready to post, I use the Post2Blog blog editor for my TypePad and Word Press blogs, or logon to the Movable Type CMS for my network blog. I check visitor statistics once a day for tips to fine tune popular topics.

Rich Ottum is the blogger of Marketing Blurb, part of the Know More Media network, as well as The eStrategyOne Buzz

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