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Mark Zuckerberg: Time Magazines Person Of The Year

Mark Zuckerberg: Time Magazines Person Of The Year

Time - Mark Zuckerberg - Person Of The YearFacebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been named Time Magazines person of the year.

In 2010 Facebook watched as their user base climbed to 500 million users, while The Social Network has been one of the most critically lauded films of the year and Zuckerberg became the youngest self-made billionaire in the world.

Throw in $100 million donated to the New Jersey education system and a pledge to give away most of his fortune and it’s easy to see why Time would choose an internet mogul as their person of the year.

According to Time:

“For connecting more than half a billion people and mapping the social relations among them; for creating a new system of exchanging information; and for changing how we all live our lives, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is Time’s 2010 Person of the Year.”

On many users are angered by the choice, calling Wikileaks founder Julian Assange the person of the year, interestingly enough, many of those comments talk about Zuckerberg’s life as if it was an exact replica of The Social Network, a little naive in my opinion, but to each their own. 

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When you throw in Facebook controversies, such as “Everyone Drawn Mohammad Day” and various other censorship rules in various countries where Facebook was used as a tool of social revolt, it becomes more apparent why the founder of the website would be named.

What do you think about the choice of Zuckerberg as Time’s person of the year?

Image courtesy of Time

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