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The 11 subjects forbidden to Chinese bloggers

The 11 subjects forbidden to Chinese bloggers

Following details Sunday of a new crackdwon on Chinese bloggers, the Chinese Government’s State Council Information Bureau and Ministry of Industry and Information has issued a list that contains 11 subjects forbidden to Chinese bloggers.

Bloggers are banned from putting out news that:
– violates the basic principles of the Chinese constitution:
– endangers national security, leaks national secrets, seeks to overthrow the government, endangers the unification of the country;
– destroys the country’s reputation and benefits;
– arouses national feelings of hatred, racism, and endangers racial unification;
– violates national policies on religion, promotes the propaganda of sects and superstition;
– diffuses rumours, endangers public order and creates social uncertainty;
– diffuses information that is pornographic, violent, terrorist or linked to gambling;
– libels or harms people’s reputation, violates people’s legal rights;
– includes illegal information bounded by law and administrative rules.
and the final two dictates that:
– It is forbidden to encourage illegal gatherings, strikes, etc to create public disorder;
– It is forbidden to organise activities under illegal social associations or organisations.

Blogs that break these new rules will be shut down and those running them will have to pay a fine that could reach 30,000 yuans (aprox $3,500 USD).

See Also
Google Monopoly

(via RSF Media release recieved via email)

View Comments (3)
  • Creates social uncertainty? What the heck is that supposed to mean? It’s hard to imagine a blogger who couldn’t be found guilty of that one.

    This makes me glad to live in Sin City, USA (i.e. Las Vegas).

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