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Even small Midwestern junior colleges are using Social Networking to recruit and grow

Even small Midwestern junior colleges are using Social Networking to recruit and grow

Danville Area Community College, a small junior college located in Danville, Illinois, is following one of the latest trends – using social networking tools such as Facebook and Myspace to recruit students.

An article in today’s Danville Commercial-News tells the DACC story:

So this summer, Danville Area Community College Marketing Director Lara Conklin decided to meet prospective DACC students where they spend a lot of their time — on social networking pages.

DACC now has its own and sites.

The pages seem to be working.

DACC, a male, single, 61-year-old Virgo, has 65 friends, according to Myspace. Facebook lists more than 200 friends, Conklin said.

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The DACC accounts were added to the social networking sites a little over a month ago, so any direct marketing success as a result has yet to be determined.

The college considers the experimental program a success so far…

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