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Twitter Developers Gain Access To Easier “Tweet Embedding”

Twitter Developers Gain Access To Easier “Tweet Embedding”

Twitter BirdIt has been nearly a year since Twitter announced embeddable tweets and since that time very little development has gone into making those tweets easy to embed via users websites. In fact most users require a third party solution such as Blackbird Pie for WordPress which in it’s best case use creates a screenshot of the Tweet with a link back to the original, hardly a sexy solution.

Now Twitter has announced a set of developer tools which are meant to make those embeddable tweets a bit more interactive and functional. As part of the new functionality users can now reply, retweet and even favorite tweets directly from the embedded message on the webpage where it resides.

The new develop tool, known as Web Intents requires that users first place a script on the pages where they will use intent, however users already using the official Twitter Tweet Button can begin using the program immediately. users can already jump on the new embedded tweets options, while a (self-hosted) option is expected in the near future.

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Also part of the program are mobile-friendly embeds for iOS and Android devices and the ability to embed pre-filled Twitter message windows.

[via ReadWriteWeb]


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