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How to Do Influencer Marketing

How to Do Influencer Marketing

how to do influencer marketing

Content marketing. Social media marketing.

There is so much importance placed on online marketing that it is easy to understand why some bloggers have difficulty navigating these waters. Not to mention the fact that there is a plethora of bloggers.

How do you actually get a chance to get that one “tiny” break that might propel your blog to the front of the pack? (Or at least somewhere in that area.)

One technique that is definitely worth doing: influencer marketing.

What is influencer marketing?

“Influencer marketing is the process of identifying, targeting, and connecting with individuals that have influence over your target audience rather than trying to reach that audience all on your own,” says Anna Hoffman of The Traffic Generation Cafe.

This means that your marketing efforts are targeted, and that you will reach relevant people instead of wasting your time on an audience that may not be interested in your niche in the first place.

How to do influencer marketing

In theory, it’s simple. Get the attention of an influential individual in your niche, and have him endorse you one way or the other, and you’re golden.

But we know just how large the gap between theory and reality is…

If you’ve been trying to do influencer marketing and not getting any results, or you are on the verge of engaging in it, here is a quick guide on how to do influencer marketing. It is by no means the only guide you can use, but it does have a bunch of practical tips you can apply that will increase your chances of success.

See Also
Microsoft Solutions

how to do influencer marketing


Have you tried influencer marketing? How did it go for you? Share your story with us!

Also read: 40 Influencer Marketing Tips From the Pros

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