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You Must Plan a Blog Exit Strategy

You Must Plan a Blog Exit Strategy

Given that the average blogger is likely in their twenties, there’s a good chance that most haven’t considered retirement. That’s right. I’m talking about that rite of passage reserved for later in life, when you’ve accomplished your career goals and can ride off into the sunset, leaving the 9-to-5 life behind.

Some people will work until their corpse is carried away; others will bow out at the very first opportunity. Regardless of which type of retiree you plan to be, if you’re a blogger, you should pull a Brett Favre.

The NFL mega star, who decided to hang it up after a storied 17-year career, is leaving while he still has something left in the tank. Something so few people do. Especially bloggers.

Maybe it’s because they are disappointed in their traffic; perhaps they have simply moved on to a new project. The bottom line is that too many bloggers allow their product to fade away.

I’d recommend setting up a blog exit strategy.

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Profound Unveiling

From starting a new blog in conjunction with your successful one to having a schedule to wind things down, your ending should be as well-planned as your beginning.

Life is unpredictable, but if you can visualize the end, you have a better chance of retiring young. You might not be rich, but you’ll be able to ride the momentum to new project and start the process over again.

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