30 Holiday Blogging Ideas When You’re in a Rut
Holiday blog posts are finally here now that Christmas is only days away. Running out of ideas to write during the holiday season is common. It is definitely hard to make it through without losing cool ideas to write about. So what can you write about if you know that other bloggers are definitely going to write about the same thing?
If you plan to ride the Holiday blog train, here are some cool holiday blogging ideas you could try when you’re in a rut:
Holiday Bucket List
People who love the holidays have their own to-do lists to live by to survive the grind of the holidays. Some people have bucket lists for charity. Others have holiday travel bucket lists. Some people are adventurous enough to do holiday activities they have never done before. People keep bucket lists for a variety of reasons but a lot of them do it just for the fun of it.
All in all, holiday bucket lists are crazy to plan and do. This is why blogging about a ‘Holiday Bucket List’ is a cool idea. The problem is, many bloggers are sure to write about it as well. A good technique might be to write something more specific.
Here are some examples of holiday blogging ideas about holiday bucket lists:
Things You Have Never Done for the Holidays
Holiday Destinations You Should Visit Once in Your Life
Why You Should Create a Holiday Bucket List
Yearly Holiday Goals
Places to Volunteer for the Holidays
Holiday Favorites
Many people search for Holiday everything on the internet and some topics are sure to be favorites. This topic is the holy grail of holiday blogging ideas. There is so much to write about, it is impossible to lose ideas. It could be about songs, gifts, traditions, movies, ANYTHING!
Here are some sample titles for you:
Best Holiday Songs
Favorite Holiday Activities for the Family
TV Specials and Movies You Should Not Miss
Favorite Holiday Snacks and Recipes
Favorite Holiday Traditions
Everything Party Related
The holidays are all about celebrations, gift-giving, and being with loved ones. This is why holiday parties are so common anywhere in the world. Why not write about everything party related? It could be what to bring to a potluck, what to wear to the party, what games you could play, or maybe even which parties you could attend for the holidays. Blogging about parties will, definitely, get a lot of sure hits.
Here are a few cool ideas to write about that are party related:
XX Recipes to Try
New Year Party Fashion
Affordable Holiday Party Looks
Coolest ‘Ugly Sweater’ Ideas
X Game Ideas for your Family Christmas Party
Gift Guides
Let’s be honest, what makes Christmas the most loved holiday of the year is all the gift-giving involved. However, deciding which gifts to give and to who are not the easiest decisions to make (especially if you have a budget). This is why writing blogs and gift guides are a must every year.
Here are some unique gift-guide topics for you to try out on your blog:
Stocking Stuffer Ideas
X Gift Ideas Under XX
Should you give a gift to your boss?
Last-Minute Gift Ideas
DIY Gifts for Your Loved Ones
‘Looking Back’ Ideas
Another year has gone by, and we have to brace ourselves again for another year to come. It is both exciting and scary at the same time. This is why holidays can make anyone nostalgic. Why not write about the most fun memories you have from the past year, your favorite Christmas, everything you are thankful for, or maybe write about all the lessons you learned.
Try out these titles on your blog:
Coolest Songs We Listened to the Past year
Lessons we learned this year
A Year in Review
All the Things We’re Thankful for the Past Year
Some ’80s and ’90s Traditions That are Long Gone
New Year Goals
A new year, and a new you. This is what EVERYONE does EVERY YEAR. It’s as if trying to improve yourself other times of the year don’t really count. The New Year is all about renewal, innovation, and improvement. This is what makes New Year’s resolutions such a thing, even if many people just do them for a few weeks and completely forget. Regardless, New Year goals is a great topic to write about during the holidays. Everyone wants to try out new things. Many people want to become healthier and fitter. They also want to travel more but be richer at the same time. SO WRITE ABOUT THOSE.
Here are some New Year goal ideas you could write about on your blog.
Best Self-Improvement Books to Read
Things I Want to Learn this Year
Health and Fitness Activities You Should Try
Places You Should Travel To Next Year
Podcasts to Listen to for a Better You
Also read: The Seasonal Keywords From 2019 That You Could Use for This Year’s Holidays
Civil Engineer by profession, Writer by passion. Serving readers since 2014 on different niches like Science, Current Events, Tech, and Travel.