Movable Type Monday: Switching Forums, Multiple Columns, Ajax
Happy Monday, folks! Probably the biggest thing to happen for the Movable Type community this week was the shutting down of the old forums to move everyone over to the MT-based forums. The forums on have been up for a while in something of a beta status. It was finally decided that it didn’t make sense to have two forums, and it was better to stick with something built on the MT platform. The MT forums look great, but still have some bugs and lack some features common to forums. A wiki page was started to address some of these issues, so be sure to check it out if you run into problems on the forums.
We’ve also got a couple of tutorials this week. First Beau Smith demonstrates how to create two columns of entries. It’s a clever idea, and could easily be expanded to do more complicated “sorting” of entries into columns.
Finally, we have a tutorial from November that I somehow missed. published instructions for removing Ajax from the Mid Century Template Set. This tutorial is particularly interesting because not only do they tell us how to do it, but the process they went through to figure it out. Very useful.
What did you do with MT this week? Let us know in the comments.
Billy Mabray is a web developer in the publishing industry. Over the years, he's written with and developed for just about every blogging platform there is. Blogging is in his blood, but the doctors think he can live a normal life anyway.