The StatBot analyzes TechCrunch from A-W
The StatBot, an upcoming and coming blog focused on statistical analysis of the blogosphere, has posted an in-depth analysis of TechCrunch – and what they find is pretty interesting overall.
If you’ve followed TechCrunch, you know that the powerhouse blog breaks alot of stories, has a significant number of “inside” sources, and a solid stable of writers. What you may not know is how alot of that breaks down statistically – and how that has powered its continued growth.
For example, here’s a look at the high level statistics about TechCrunch:
# Total of 7007 posts….
# …spread over 1079 days, or just under 3 years…
# …with a total of 1,977,710 words…
# …at an average of 6.5 posts a day…
# …with 282.2 words a post…
# …receiving 228,449 comments…
# …from 56,292 unique commentators…
# …with 18,440 outbound links…
# …to 4641 sites…
# …at an average of 4 links to every site
That’s a ton of posts – at a high frequency – and with a significant number of comments.
Even more interesting is the amount of user engagement that the writing staff is involved in as you dig into those comments as jeffro2pt0 did:
I also have to hand it to Mike and the crew he has had write for him. According to the numbers, Michael Arrington leads the way in terms of the number of comments left on the site. Duncan Riley who is no longer with TechCrunch came in at number 4. This means that even though there are hundreds of comments made on the blog, Arrington and his writers at least attempted to continue the conversation after the post is published, rather than letting it die off. I’ve always been told that large websites generally ignore commentators, but could TechCrunch be one of the exceptions?
An interesting insight into the world of TechCrunch and what has made it successful….
Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.