Dave Winer announces BloggerCon IV
In a post on Scripting News, Dave Winer has announced BloggerCon IV:
Let’s do BloggerCon IV in San Francisco, the week of June 19. If you have office space we can use in San Francisco’s business district or South of Market, please post a comment, or send an email. I’m thinking about a distributed multi-track conference over two days (Friday and Saturday?), covering a very wide range of interests to bloggers, podcasters, journalists, broadcasters, academics, librarians, programmers, business people, entrepreneurs, investors, retirees and students, and everyone else. An all-inclusive, no invitation required, $0, everyone welcome, free-for-all unconference of idea sharing and whoopee-making!
The long-dormant BloggerCon site has the official announcement:
The goal of the conference is to bring together people who wish to talk about the art and science of blogging, podcasting, video, syndication, unconferences, and related topics. Contexts for discussion will include politics, academia, libraries, publishing, and… ?
See Also
In 2004, I attended BloggerCon II at Harvard University – which was my first attendance at a professional blogging conference. For those of you used to going to trade shows where you sit quietly while others up on stage discuss and debate without audience participation, you’ll be quite suprised at Dave’s concept of an “Unconference”. Pleasantly suprised that is.
BloggerCon is a unique and fun experience that is well worth attending. Besides, where else can you sit between John Perry Barlow and Jason Calacanis with arguing with Jeff Jarvis in front of you while Winer is upfront preaching his gospel.
Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.