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Feedburner unveils self-service advertising

Feedburner unveils self-service advertising

Feedburner has announced a new self-service interface to their previously announced advertising services:

On the heels of our first announcement on the topic, we follow up with the availability of a self-service interface designed to make the ad-buying process easier for advertisers. The new self-service tools provide a quick way to bypass human contact and purchase media directly via the FeedBurner Web site. If you are a media buyer, ad agency or marketer looking to participate in this new medium, this is the place.

While feed advertising is significantly different than contextual advertising, this move brings Feedburner close to the simple interface and capabilities of Google’s Adwords service. Many pundits claim that Google’s major breakthrough with Adwords came about because of its easy self-serve ability to advertise one’s sites. Can Feedburner see a similar success through RSS advertising?

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Disclaimer: BlogMedia, Inc. is a long-time user of Feedburner’s services and we are a participant in their RSS advertising network.

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