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News Wrap 20 September 2003

News Wrap 20 September 2003

There has been much ado in the Blogosphere in the last seven days, in a week our host made life hell. Rather than pick over the best stories one by one, we have purged our bookmarks of the week that was blogging in the Blog Herald New Wrap 4
Gay Basher Eric Rassmussen gained more publicity this week over his anti-gay blog in the Washington Times
Brent Todd from The Weblog Review had an article published at Tech TV on the Top Five Tips for Bloggers asks the perenial question: ‘Blogs:’ What’s the big deal, anyway?
Blogger co-founder Evan Williams won a MIT Technology Review Award
The Buzz at World on the Web is improving its coverage of blogging all the time and worthy of a read
Victor Keegan reports on the Guardian’s experimental linking of editorial comment and the world of the blog during this month’s WTO summit
News Sites Loosen Linking Policies from OJR looks at linking in the corporate world
In a bizarre article titled: Teen Television Star Allison Mack Launches New Internet Trend some US TV personality seems to be taking credit for Blogging, or maybe its just a badly written headline
Harvey Pekars blog gets a good write up at USA Today

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