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Democrats back flip on political blogging regulation

Democrats back flip on political blogging regulation

Following threats of legal restrictions and regulations upon US Political Bloggers following the decision of 3 Democrat FEC Commissioners to not vote with their Republican counterparts and extend an internet exclusion to the McCain-Feingold campaign finance laws of 2002, other Democrats have said that bloggers should enjoy traditional press freedoms and not face regulation as political groups, according to Reuters report.

The report states that fourteen members of the U.S. House of Representatives, consisting of 13 Democrats and 1 Republican, said blogs foster a welcome diversity of viewpoints and should be excluded from the finance laws.

Whether the position of the 13 reflects wider support in the Democrats, following a number of recent attacks by a number of left wing journalists who have painted the blogosphere in political terms and claim, falsely that the medium is dominated by conservatives, is yet to be seen.

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