Expert Voice: John Patrick on Weblogs
An excellent article and interview with John Patrick at CIO Insight which looks at the place blogs have in business and pleasure in an insightful and engaging way. Definitely one of the best articles we have read on blogging in a long time:
Expert Voice: John Patrick on Weblogs | CIO Insight
“There is no question in my mind that blogging is already beginning to reshape how information is created, published and shared. Blogs have the power to introduce new voices into the mix, which will enrich the quality of information available. Voices not necessarily heard before, thanks to limitations of money, access or hierarchy—you’re not the CEO, you’re just a guy with a big idea—now you can bridge those gaps. Say you’re a CIO who wants to develop some thought leadership around the need to rethink the company’s approach to mobile workforce strategies. Blogs can give you access to the grassroots and to your peers that you might not otherwise have had.”