Gay Catholic Blogger to Visit White House
In July 2015, Gay Catholic blogger Aaron Jay Ledesma began writing a blog entitled “The Gay Catholic,” and in just a few short months, Ledesma has attracted the White House’s attention. In what he calls a miracle from Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House responded to Ledesma’s contact form and invited him to the White House during Pope Francis’s visit to the White House.
Ledesma is an openly gay Catholic, and his blog is an extended meditation on the perceived conflict between these two parts of his identity. Intimate by design, “The Gay Catholic” doesn’t shy from yoking religion and sexual orientation, still a touchy subject for many.
Ledesma’s upcoming meeting with the leader of the free world and the leader of the Roman Catholic Church is absolutely historic, and it’s finally made possible because of the substantial change in America’s feelings towards the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally and pansexual community as a whole.
Earlier this year, the Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges decision and Pope Francis’s “Who am I to judge?” stance have marked a turning point for the nation and the world, making Ledesma’s meeting with Obama and the Pope not only possible but also a cultural touchstone that the world won’t soon forget.
In the midst of a new presidential campaign season, complicated spiritual and political positions are, once again, being presented over-simplistically, making it easier to separate individuals from politics. Ledesma’s blog, a frank and unapologetic reflection on the state of Catholicism, is refreshing because it gives a face to gay Catholics all across the United States (if not the world). We’re not just talking about an issue; we’re talking about people’s lives. Ledesma’s “The Gay Catholic” reminds us of that.
“The Gay Catholic” is an example of a personal blog that truly connects with other people. With a few notable exceptions, most personal blogs never gain traction because other people can’t relate to them, but Ledesma’s new blog is personal and honest while it’s simultaneously relatable for many people. Though this blog is written specifically about a gay man’s faith, it is a thoughtful and provoking read for anyone, no matter one’s religious beliefs or sexual orientation.
Follow Ledesma’s “The Gay Catholic” on Twitter @_TheGayCatholic.