Internet course to teach blogging to Caribbean journalists
The Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication has announced the launch of an Internet-based course for journalists who have at least two years of professional working experience behind them.
The course, open to broadcast, online, and print journalists, will focus upon the writing and visual skills required to publish blogs for a Caribbean audience, and will lead to a Certificate in Online Journalism qualification.
Course content includes gaining a basic understanding of the Internet, HTML, search engines, and web based tools, and then moves on to writing for the web, the phenomenon of citizen journalism, advice on the use of images, and the ethics, responsibilities, and legalities surrounding publishing on the Internet.
It demands around 8 hours per week for study and work, based on continuous assessment.
More information is available at the University of the West Indies
Andy Merrett is a London-based full-time blogger writing for several Shiny Media technology blogs and various other projects. Find him on Facebook and Twitter.