Joe the Plumber now part of Pajamas Media
Joe the Plumber is now “Just Joe” as he joins Pajamas TV (PJTV) of Pajamas Media. To kick it off, Joe Wurzelbacher is in Washington, DC to cover the proposed stimulus package. He will also be participating at the inaugural Conservatism 2.0 conference (sponsored by PJTV) and held jointly with CPAC 2009 in Washington at the end of this month.
His “Just Joe” segment at PJTV will focus on issues of the day as explored and reported by (you guessed it right) himself. Joe has surely come a long way from being a “plumber.”
Pajamas Media continues to increase its emphasis in Pajamas TV (PJTV) for center-right and conservative viewers as the company cuts back on some of its blogger network. Just recently, the company announced that it is shutting down its ad network.