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Liveblogging: Blogging and Journalism

Liveblogging: Blogging and Journalism

Om MalikThis session is presented by Om Malik, well known blogger from GigaOM.

There’s a big misconcpetion about the difference between blogging and journalism. I disagree with Om as he defines blogging as a personal genre. Perhaps thats the misconeption for those of us who do professional or niche blogging that what we do is actually more journalism than anything else.

Quote of the day:

If you can write something in 1000 words, why write it in 2000? If you can write it in 1000 words, you can write it in 500 words. If you can write it in 500 words, you can write it in 200 words. Those 200 words have to be the best quality words that convey the message.

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The photo above was taken by Scott Beale (Laughing Squid).

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