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September 11th, 2006: We Remember

September 11th, 2006: We Remember

James Lileks: Two years in, the rest of our lives to go:

I’€™ve no doubt that if Seattle or Boston or Manhattan goes up in a bright white flash there will be those who blame it all on Bush. We squandered the world’€™s good will. We threw away the opportunity to atone, and lashed out. Really? You want to see lashing out? Imagine Kabul and Mecca and Baghdad and Tehran on 9/14 crowned with mushroom clouds: that’€™s lashing out. Imagine the President in the National Cathedral castigating Islam instead of sitting next to an Imam who’s giving a homily. Mosques burned, oil fields occupied, smart bombs slamming into Syrian palaces. We could have gone full Roman on anyone we wanted, but we didn’€™t. And we won’€™t.

Which is why this war will be long.

Martin Neumann: 5 years on…:

Five years ago today – on Septemeber 11th, 2001 – the world in which we live in took a horrific turn. The way we lived was questioned and questioned with such vile violence that it’€™s ramifications are still being heard today ‘€¦ and will be long after we all move on.

See Also
Wordpress Vulnerability

Working at Home on the Internet: Remembering Janice Scott, 9/11 Victim

The Little Things: Four years ago today…

The Little Things: Remembering John D. Yamnicky

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