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Theblogpaper Prepares Launch for September 25th

Theblogpaper Prepares Launch for September 25th

theblogpaperTheblogpaper, a new UK online news community prepares its first print edition for end September 2009.

The community is focused on publishing news stories, submitted by its members, with the highest rankings. So far the community has attracted more than 500 members already. How does theblogpaper function:

Content is being promoted to the front page of theblogpaper website, to the specific category front pages as well as to the print magazine depending on however well the content is being rated/ commented.

The community therefore defines content that is “worth” to reach out to others, as well as content that is being published in print and essentially therefore what more people are going to receive!

The first initial run of 5,000 will be distributed in selected areas of London on September 25th, and will consist of around 20-30 pages. Theblogpaper will be entirely ad-funded. Founder Anton Walburg hopes that the community factor will contribute to a positive advertising spirit and revenue stream in these challenging times.

We are very aware of the current situation of the advertising market especially in the freesheet segment, but we are hoping that our ‘self-regulatory content promotion system’ (in other words letting users choose via rating and commenting what to promote to print) will attract advertisers

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Another UK blog-to-print initiative is the Newspaper Club, currently still in Alpha stage, where members can select the content of their own print edition.


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