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Top 10 Jobs in Creative Writing

Top 10 Jobs in Creative Writing

creative writing jobs

Creative writing jobs can take you down countless avenues. Now that undergraduate students do not have to choose between English literature and journalism at many universities, they are free to study the art of writing strictly for their love of the process. Some may go in knowing they want to write novels or dig into detective journalism post-graduation. The great thing about creative writing is that the options are quite literally endless due to the transferable skills taught within the degree.

Top 10 Creative Writing Jobs, and Their Typical Salaries

1. Freelancing

The benefits of working as a freelancer are endless. You can start with almost any background because there are projects of all shapes and sizes. As you grow as a writer you can begin taking on more projects and charging more to increase your income. One part of freelancing that some people believe is a benefit and others believe it’s an inconvenience is that your income typically fluctuates from month to month. If freelancing is your full-time job, you will be able to completely build your schedule and most writers are able to make a workable income. For those who freelance as a side gig, scheduling is a bit harder and income tends to fluctuate a tad more.

2. Copywriting

Many fresh college graduates start out in copywriting as it is not only a great experience building but has a competitive salary. There is no shortage of work for copywriting jobs, so there is always an opportunity for writers looking for work, or just looking for something different. Because copywriting is such a diverse career, the typical salary ranges from around $40,000 to over $100,000.

3. Author/Novelist 

This may seem like the obvious answer but needs to be noted nonetheless. Using your creative writing education to create your own stories and novels can be a very lucrative and fulfilling career. Similar to copywriting in the respect that income can range vastly. A successful novelist can make hundreds of thousands of dollars, while an author that just published their first book could make less than $20,000.

4. Social Media Manager

Having a dedicated social media manager is a game changer for businesses now that so much of business marketing lives online. Social media as a whole is gaining more popularity now as platforms gain more of a following. Businesses are actively searching for the best and brightest that are fluent in the world of social media trends, caption writing, and content creation. The average salary for social media managers is around $70,000.

5. Email Marketing

Though some email marketing jobs offer a less creative voice, a great stepping stone and will give lots of experience. Similar to copywriting, email marketing jobs can range from a great entry-level job to a senior-level position. The salary for most email marketing professionals is around $60,000, however, it can range due to levels of responsibility and company size.

6. Editor

Typically a senior-level role, editors are the backbones of any publication. Editors and their editorial staff are what each piece goes through before being published, like a line of defense. They work with writers to help grow their craft and guide them toward what is needed for publication.

7. Columnist 

Being a columnist or opinion writer walks a fine and exciting line of being able so to exercise their creative mind as well as following along with current events and news. Merging those two categories provide a place for writers to advocate for their opinions and feelings while sharing the most important stories in the world. Columnists’ jobs are always changing and make for an exciting career.

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8. Screenwriter or Songwriter

Aside from being a novelist, pursuing a career in screenwriting or songwriting is arguably the most creative path to take as a creative writer. You are able to fully express your creative side because, in most circumstances, there is no ceiling. Creative writers that go into the entertainment business can have extremely lucrative careers. The income can very by hundreds of thousands of dollars due to the vastness of the entertainment business.

9. Producer 

Television and movie producers work with a team of directors, writers, and editors to produce a high-quality frame, program, or scene. Producers help with script writing and directing logistics. Using your creative writing degree to grow as a producer can leave you with a great career and an extensive list of projects attached to your name. Similar to screenwriters and songwriters, becoming a producer specifically in the entertainment business, income can greatly vary from person to person.

10. Journalist

Journalists use their creative writing degree in a different way than other careers. There is a lack of creative voice, while also having an abundance. Following news outlets, and top stories, journalists are asked to dig into a story until they find what the readers want to hear. Most focus on a non-bias approach to reporting the facts and have a duty to ask the tough questions. Journalism can focus on a variety of genres like entertainment, etc., and freelancing for different products.


This list has given several avenues to explore post-graduation with a creative writing degree, though many do vary greatly in income levels. It’s important to remember that the list of creative writing jobs does not end here as creative writing can take you down virtually any road you would like.

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