Weblogs Inc blogs suffer major outage
A highly unusual occurrence, the entire Weblogs Inc blog network is down, and has been for several hours. I noticed it first thing this morning UK time, when I tried to check in to Engadget, but it seems it’s affecting the entire Weblogs empire.
It’s uncommon for an entire network to go down for so long, though individual sites (usually on smaller networks) do have problems from time to time, either due to spikes in traffic (Steve Jobs keynote, anyone?) or technical problems.
I haven’t looked far, but I haven’t seen any gloating about the situation — though I’m sure some are capitalising on the situation and benefiting from it, if not publicly. Echoing Pete Cashmore’s words, if it had to happen at all, then a West Coast Sunday night isn’t a disastrous time for it to go down — that is, unless all of AOL’s web engineers are tucked up in bed? Perhaps they’re reading Chris’s post on what do do when your blog goes down.
At time of writing, a number of sites are behaving erratically. Engadget came and went, so the problems may not be fully solved yet. At least the news is still being written, even if we can’t read it.
(Via Mashable)
Andy Merrett is a London-based full-time blogger writing for several Shiny Media technology blogs and various other projects. Find him on Facebook and Twitter.