How to Start a Lifestyle Blog
In today’s world work is further fragmenting off the typical 9-5 basic forty-hour work week. Specifically, with the technology present, the work available can be remote at hours present being those discretionary to the individual him or herself. There are many of these, online stores, YouTube channels, and blogs – especially for individuals starting lifestyle blogs.
The world is ready to reward content creators. Specifically, those with the skill and consistency to become a welcome staple in someone’s life. But how do you get started? Often the hardest part we will cover in this article is the general timeline of how to start a lifestyle blog.
Starting a lifestyle blog requires one thing first, having a topic. You need to have a draw that pulls people to your site. While this could be about anything, you have to think about sponsorships and AdSense monetization if you are aiming to build a career out of this. Regardless, however, it’s important that you write about something you are passionate about.
You are going to be the one that has to sit down to research, write and develop consistently high-quality articles about a given subject. Make sure it is something you enjoy, preferably with an existent background or an immense hunger or keen interest.
Even in the lifestyle space, there are things like home, finance, motivation and productivity, children, gyms and dieting, wellness, etc. Along with any and every combination of these topics, most people recommend niche, while others recommend going broad. The best underlying choice is to go with what you can write about consistently.
Name & Brand
A small aside – once you have an idea about what you will be writing, getting an idea of a name and some branding differentiators is a good “Step 2.” You don’t need to have everything figured out, especially if this is slowing you down. However, having a few key indicators about the tone and stylistic leanings of your website will pay off when you actually sit down to write.
Purchase a Domain
You need to have a place to host your blog. This is a fairly simple step, that is much more straightforward than you would think. Once you have a topic and a name you can go to Google Domains and purchase your domain name. This is your web address featured in the top bar. It’s your internet real estate. Here you can purchase your domain at a price of around ~ $1 a month which typically comes out at about 12 – 16 dollars yearly.
Google will then give you the opportunity to attach that to any particular building site – WordPress, Squarespace, Shopify, Google Sites, Ghost, etc. Most of these will come on paid plans, but they are also typically fairly priced.
You can often buy domains directly through one of these host sites yourself. This can save linking time and the mental headache that comes from choosing the wrong one and having to switch your domain to a new host. Avoid this – trust me.
Choose Your Website Creator
This is where you get into the laundry list of names I touched on in “Point 3.”
- WordPress
- Squarespace
- Wix
- Weebly
- GoDaddy
- HostGator
- Shopify
- Zyro
- Google Sites
- Ghost
- Jimdo Creator
- Duda
- Strikingly
- 1&1 IONOS
There’s a respectable breakdown here. It covers their pricing and general usability. These are subscription base platforms, so going in with the intent of knowing what your blog is set to be, and how it’s going to make money are pivotal plans to be having in place in your blog’s early development.
Have a Plan for How Frequently You Are Going to Post
This is important. In this medium, consistency is key. Search engine optimization is a largely organic method of measuring and growing your site and network and that comes from having a legitimate network of backlinks and traffic sources to and from the web. It is a web of sites. That is why it is called “the web.”
It should be a good metric to have 20 posts stored up in your reservoir before you start blogging. From there it is considered ideal to post 2-4 times per week. Do not worry, these articles will continue to work for you. 70% of traffic on blog posts comes from material that was not posted that month.
Make that Money
Blogging is fun. Blogging is about passion. You need correct pay for your value. You deserve payment. Gearing your website for that saves you a lot of headaches. This is especially true as the blogging process gets dragged out and you start to question what it is you are doing dragging this process along.
Get an overview of how you want your payment. This blog will cost you a monthly fee, so make sure you are netting at the minimum. You don’t need to set the world on fire with this process, however, you should take the time to be rewarded for your steadfast drive and targeted focus.