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Starting a New Blog: Worth the Effort?

Starting a New Blog: Worth the Effort?

I can’t tell you anymore how many blogs I have been a part of, and during the last few years, I have started and stopped numerous blogs on my own. The fact is that building a blog from nothing is very difficult, and depending on what you want out of blogging, it can be very limited in its rewards.

I have watched as many great blogs have been bought, sold, started up, and shut down, and it is always interesting to see which people make it out on top. Sometimes though, it seems like there are already so many amazing people in every niche, that it can feel overwhelming to join in and put your opinions, thoughts and time out into the blogosphere.

The biggest word of advice I have for anyone starting a new blog, in hopes of creating something that will get them from an office slave into a full time blogger is to be passionate. I have built blogs in very crowded niches (e.g. to what I consider a successful level, I have watched as bloggers sell off some of their best blogs, just because they aren’t passionate about the subject anymore.

In any and every niche, there are spots open for passionate people to rise to the top given enough time, energy and determination. I have seen this countless times. I have watched bloggers come from no where, to being read by thousands of people every single day.

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While it does seem like some people are hitting their digital saturation point, I have to admit that the hunt for the best content is always still going, and if you are going to start a blog, make sure your passion for the subject shines through, or it won’t be worth the effort.

View Comments (6)
  • I think start a blog is very helpful, you can gain much useful things from it. It is said that more celebrities start their blogs on tallmingle. I think it deserves to be seen.

  • It all depends what your reasons for starting a blog are. If the reason is ‘getting rich’ then don’t bother. If you expect to become a ‘famous blogger’ in a matter of months then don’t bother. It just isn’t gonna happen.

    My blog has been up for over three years and it’s reached a status I’m quite happy with. Money wise and ‘thousands of daily visitors’-wise however it still doesn’t mean anything. This surely isn’t caused by a lack of good articles, passion from my side or anything else. It’s just the way things are. And I’m perfectly fine with that! I love my blog, writing on it, getting responses from visitors etc. It’s all good.

    A while ago I blogged about ‘getting rich’ blogging. It’s all a load of hot air really.

    If you’re passionate about something: DO start a blog. It will be great. If you’re expecting to earn lots of money it’s probably better to look for better / faster ways to do so.

  • This post summarises everything I think on the subject.

    I’m perfectly able to write about topics I don’t care at all for. However, this isn’t how I want to spend the rest of my life.

    Topics I dislike can help me make money, that’s for sure, but it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try to earn a living from things I’m passionate about. Even when the whole world tries to discourage me by saying that “this market is too saturated and blah, blah, blah.” Passion is the force that helps a blogger overcome the difficulties, after all.

  • You’re absolutely right – I was thinking about starting another blog for parenting/daily ramblings…and keeping my cooking blog just for food. But I really can’t see myself keeping up with a parenting blog for more than 6 months. Short attention span.

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