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WordPress And WordPress MU Will Merge: Good Or Bad?

WordPress And WordPress MU Will Merge: Good Or Bad?

WordPress MU is the multi-user version of WordPress, which basically means that you can run several WordPress blogs within one WordPress MU installation. It is in many ways similar to WordPress, but adds this functionality along with some other small things that is needed for being your very own blog host. The most well known WordPress MU sites are and Edublogs.

And now, finally, WordPress MU and WordPress will merge. The MU lead developer Donncha O Caoimh said this on his blog:

Basically, the thin layer of code that allows WordPress MU to host multiple WordPress blogs will be merged into WordPress. I expect the WordPress MU project itself will come to an end because it won’t be needed any more (which saddens me), but on the other hand many more people will be working on that very same MU code which means more features and more bugfixes and faster too.

Is this good or bad?

It is good.

  • I can roll several blogs on one install.
  • It means that cool MU projects like BuddyPress will come to the WordPress masses.
  • It will strengthen the WordPress platform.
  • The former MU users will finally benefit from the swiftness of the single user community.

No, it is bad.

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  • More stuff within WordPress means more clutter for the user. This is a pro thing.
  • The WordPress community will be confused with all the old lingo.
  • A lot of unknowns: How will current MU installs convert to the new version, will old MU plugins work, will this force an admin interface revamp?

Personally, I’m positive to this. One of the things I love with WordPress competitor Movable Type is the ability to roll several blogs in one install.

Most likely this code merge will happen in 3.0, which makes sense and feels right. However, it might even be in 2.9, we’ll have to wait and se about that. Meanwhile, there will be a WordPress MU 2.8, and a traditional WordPress 2.8, so for now this is all plans.

Is merging WordPress and WordPress MU into one project a good idea?

View Comments (19)
  • I think this is what should be done. Developing two projects which are so similar is unnecessary. It is a smart means to move forward.

    As for the backend becoming more complex for newbies, well a simple option to turn on or off MU capabilities will be a feasible solution.

    This change will only make the community larger and more devoted to ensuring WordPress is the most powerful open source blogging platform available.

  • I may have to add to the “bad”.

    Shared webhosting sites, just like Dreamhost, may now get reluctant to have WordPress (as the merged codebase) in stalled in your server. Why? Because just like Dreamhost in paper they basically don’t allow you to install WordPress MU into their server, because of some resources issues. Especially if you’ll be opting for the subdomain instead of the subdirectory option.

  • Yes! VERY GOOD IDEA! I can’t wait!! I will be able to do much more with BuddyPress and multiple blogs. This will make WordPress the most powerfull open source blogging platform ever!

  • There are definitely some pro and cons to this, however, in the long term, this will be the best move WordPress. Most popular blogging platforms have multi-user functionality built in such as Movable Type as was already mentioned. I believe this will help bring two communities together into one in order to build a stronger and better community and support. I love forward to the merger.

  • It’s a sad statement about the state of WordPress that it actually needed to be forked in the first place to add this sort of feature.

  • Personally I am looking forward to this so I can streamline new clients. I believe that in order for projects like BuddyPress and bbPress to gain mainstream exposure that this merge is necessary.

  • can you imagine a newbie getting the power of Mu?
    1000 spam comments x 1000 spam blogs = 1,000,000 x more b/w!
    (and about 1,000,000 more support questions)

    People should have to pass a “basic knowledge” test before they can activate Mu on their blog! :-)

  • I think I agree with Andy above, bloging for newbies is complicated enough and the internet is becoming over cluttered with rubbish as publishing becomes easier.

    Maybe delivering a cut down version within the main multi user version might be a better alternative. Sort of WordPress standalone within wordPress Enterprise.

  • I think it is a good idea, however, I don’t want to have to wait. :-) I am in the beginning stages of building a niche website network on WPMU. Now, I wonder if I should wait? How difficult do you think the transition from WPMU to WordPress will be? Am I better going back to plain WordPress for my project?

  • am using a new free web hosting provider that has been excellent for my needs. They have a free script installer that will install wordpress for you and I have not experienced any downtime w

  • This brings two important questions to mind:

    Will the new WP have the “old ordinary” WP’s vulnerabilities or the degree of security WPMU has?

    In potential lieu of a secure system, will we be able to remove footprints to lower the risk of hackers finding our sites?

    Regards, Lasse

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