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WordPress News: WordPress 2.8, Summer of Code, PodPress Returning, iPhone Update

WordPress News: WordPress 2.8, Summer of Code, PodPress Returning, iPhone Update

WordPress 2.8 News and Development: The WordPress Development team has confirmed that WordPress 2.8 will be released in April. Articles and features worth noting on WordPress 2.8 development include:

WordPress Summer of Code: As announced in Want to Break and Remake WordPress? and Time to Break WordPress This Summer, the Google/WordPress Summer of Code is underway and applications are being taken for college students to be mentored over the summer (and compensated) by top WordPress staff and experts to help create awesome WordPress code, Plugins, Themes, and everything.

PodPress Reborn? Andrew Ozz has been working with those behind the popular podPress and Popularity Contest WordPress Plugins and reports that podPress, the very popular and powerful multimedia publishing Plugin, is back in action and now has a development version ready for testing. Popularity Contest is also due for an update.

WordPress for iPhone Update: Matt Thomas reports that WordPress for iPhone 1.21 is out, an update for the popular WordPress for iPhone. Weblog Tools Collection has screenshots of the new iPhone app.

WordPressMU Vulnerability: BlogSecurity reports on a cross iste scripting vulnerability impacting WordPressMU versions prior to 2.7. If you haven’t upgraded WordPressMU to 2.7, it is highly recommended you do so to avoid exploitation of this vulnerability.

BuddyPress Site Revamped: has revamped their site and now includes a WordPress Plugin repository, BuddyPress Theme browser, developer landing page, developer groups, integrated forums, and developer profiles. News W logoTwitter on bloggers can now feature their Twitter tweets on their blogs. While this has been available through feeds for a long time, there is now a sidebar Widget to showcase your tweets along with @replies and hashtags, and multiple Twitter accounts.

Blog Design Contest on The “I <3 Blogging Design Contest” ends in a few days. Get your entry in now.

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  • Face it Podpress is dead, the guys at Blubrry have been active with maintaining and building Powerpress. They support is a lot better than Podpress has been for a very long time.

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