100,000 blogs in Finland
by Duncan
June 15, 2005
The quest of counting blogs continues, this time to Northern Europe where Media=blogi blog reports that there are now around 100,000 blogs in Finland based on the following figures:
MSN Spaces Finland: 76 082 blogs
Six Apart Live Journal Finland: 17 217 blogs
Vuodatus.net: 907 blogs
Estimate others: 10 000 blogs (mostly Movable Type, Word Press, Blogger.com and universities)
Interesting notes on the figures: Spaces not only happily release the figures, they also outpoll the more established SALJ by nearly 4 times. There are 5.2 million people in Finland, so the figures would represent a blogging participation rate just short of 2%
(thanks Matti)
Of course, these are figures for *established* blogs. There is no way to know how many of these are actually being updated – many people have created a blog in MSN Spaces, just to see what it looks like, and abandoned it after one post.
Also, 99.5% of the blogs in MSN spaces are not public (according to a rough Google search). So they’re not having much impact in the Finnish blogosphere.