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9rules WTF 3

9rules WTF 3

From our ultra secret 9rules mole:
“there’s an organized attempt over on the 9rules forums to get members to post posts with “I love paul scrivens” as the post title and talking about how much they love him.”

Hey, we love Scrivs to you know, even if he doesn’t get that porn + family friendly don’t work together, or should that be two hats can’t always fit….Im always mixing metaphors :-) As for 9rules members all loving him, firstly I know this isn’t true, I’ve got emails from a number of members + I wonder if they’ll still love him when despite a long established and loyal relationship he kicks them out of 9 rules in place of all the johnny come om malik latelys?

Update: Technorati in part seems to be working again (at least its counting some links into The Blog Herald) and I found that Mike Loves Paul, Uber Geeks love Paul, however ID Configuration hates Paul. Colin thinks this is all about hate. He’s totally wrong. We don’t hate Scrivs, we just see the issues in what he’s doing and enjoy riding the wave of the blog storm the 9rules cult network is whipping up over it. My last tip, with my marketing and PR hat on, the best way to control negative publicity is to be proactive and control the story BEFORE it blows up. 9rules is reacting and not leading.

View Comments (13)
  • Your mole isn’t very good at the whole “reading comprehension” thing.

    It isn’t an “organized attempt” to “get members to post”. It’s more of a “Hey I made this post supporting Scrivs, maybe you guys can do the same.” No one is saying “You guys all need to make posts saying Scrivs is a god among men, now.”

    We are a rather tight knit community you know. Despite the fact that apparently a few of us are all too happy to play the mole role. And we like to support our leaders, as a community. Is that wrong?

    I know adding fuel to the fire gives you more to write about later down the road but, really.

  • My 2am source tells me that this effort was started by Colin Devroe – true or false?

    That sure sounds like an organized attempt to me.


  • “I’ve got emails from a number of members + I wonder if they’ll still love him when despite a long established and loyal relationship he kicks them out of 9 rules in place of all the johnny come om malik latelys?”

    Believe it or not, there are quite a lot of members who will still respect Scrivs, whether they get the boot or not. Including myself.

  • I’m not sure of the name of the author of this post, since I don’t read this site, but could you please edit the post to reflect the proper names to the sites you’re referring to. Mike Stickel writes Screenflicker, not me.

  • And if anyone wants, feel free to tag “I+love+Marti”………

    (This is just waaaay too much fun for this early in the morning LOL)

  • I’m really not at all sure why you keep insisting that someone who runs a porn organisation can’t run a family friendly one. If you look into mainstream media you’ll find that most of those big media companies either own or have partnerships with “adult” companies.

    Most people just don’t know it because it’s not publicized. And outside of the obsessive blogosphere this relationship won’t be publicized either, so it won’t be an issue.

  • Lecturing people about family friendly content and kiddies and peddling porn at the same time is hypocritical. True that other companies have links in with adult content, but we aren’t talking playboy here, we are talking hard core internet porn.

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