And the award for biggest loser on the web in 2004 goes to..
by Duncan
January 9, 2004
Bones from the Indiana State University Centre for Biological Computing for his absurd piece entitled:
“Why I f*cking hate weblogs”.
Amongst its gems include: “Weblogs are f*cking stupid”, “Weblogs suck ass”, “Who reads these weblogs? Nobody”, “I f*cking hate weblogs, they are so f*cking stupid. ”
Perhaps you’d like to drop Mr Bones an email on [email protected] or let us know whether you concur with his conclusions.
Maybe we should all sign “bones” up for daily e-mail updates of all our weblogs?
The piece is poorly written, but gawd, there is truth in those malformed words too. It’s biased, angry, and purposefully provocative, but not entirely incorrect.
But what do I know, I could be categorized in at least four different (and definitely unattractive) ways if I took it seriously.
I admit the piece is poorly written but a lot of the points this gentleman makes are right on the nose. There is so much misinformation and crap out there by highly unqualified individuals who don’t think before they post. I also think a lot of his generalizations are witty and on target. Sure, I think his essay could have been proof read a little better, but overall I like it.
Well, some of the things said were true about some blogs and bloggers, but the style of the piece is reason enough to ignore him and his rant.
I mean, he only want celebrities and teachers to have blogs, which is the exact opposite of what make blogs so great. Everyday people with iideas and experiences to share.