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Another (Future) Google Lawsuit: UTube Suing YouTube?

Another (Future) Google Lawsuit: UTube Suing YouTube?

The cyber saying that “one domains success is another domains failure” could easily relate in this humerous situation (depending on which side of the fence you are on).

The Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corporation, a company based in Ohio owns the domain (see Google cache) and is apparently being mistaken for the video site YouTube which is costing them not only bandwidth fees, but legal hassle as well.

(The Register) In the suit, Universal Tube alleges that its traffic has soared from around 1,500 hits in a month to over two million because of vast numbers of visitors looking for “lewd and other disgusting video”. […]

Universal Tube owner Ralph Girkins issued a statement saying: “This is an enormous expense and distraction for us. Contact with our customers has been disrupted, so I fear we have lost sales. We have even been contacted by police in Australia accusing us of having child pornography on our website. I resent this personally and this confusion is hurting our business.”

UTube’s attempts at keeping pace with the surging traffic seemed to have failed, as they had to move their server five times in order to keep pace with the traffic demands on the site. Ironcially this latest lawsuit will probably increase that amount significantly, as anything surrounding Google draws the attention of the world wide web.

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According to The Register UTube is seeking millions of dollars in compensation from YouTube in order to pay for not only for damages, but also a new domain and moving expenses. Although some think Google may be nice and compensate UTube, the search engine kings lawyers are not known for being timid and may take on the case putting UTube further in the hole.

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