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Calacanis to launch Spanish and Japanese versions of Engadget

Calacanis to launch Spanish and Japanese versions of Engadget

The plot by Weblogs Inc’s Jason Calacanis to rule the blogging world has thickened with discovery, still not announced by Calacanis officially on his blog at the time of writing, that WeblogsInc., is about to launch Spanish and Japanese language versions of leading gadget weblog Engadget.

The Spanish version can be found here, and appears incomplete at this stage, as does the Japanesee version which can be viewed here.

(thanks to Julio from WeblogsSL for the tip)

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  • Rule the blog world? I think not… this is a game of many winners. There will be 20 gadget blogs that “win” and another 200 that “do well.”

    Now, having the first global blog brand…. I’d love to see that happen!

    Frankly, we’re gonna lose money on these versions for a while and it is not certain we will be able to monetize them any time soon. Time will tell.

    That being said, if you what to translate any of our blog to another language drop me a line at my blog:

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