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Gawker Media launches TXT alert service for Defamer,

Gawker Media launches TXT alert service for Defamer,

Nick Denton’s Gawker Media“>has announced a new mobile phone TXT service for the and Defamer Gossip sites.

If you are on the Cingular, Orange,Blue, Dobson, Alltel, Sprint or Nextel/Boost networks, for $4.99 a month you can get 15-20 TXT messages a month with all the latest gossip from either site.

Interesting idea, and maybe a first for the blogosphere as well.

View Comments (2)
  • I think the price is a little steep for so few text messages. The idea has a lot of merit and I could see it being more widely used. A free opt in daily email update may be a better idea as emails can be sent to some mobile phones, this would be a free service without the need to purchase anything to make it work.

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