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Is Britney Spears the hottest query in the Blogosphere?

Is Britney Spears the hottest query in the Blogosphere?

In honor of Elliot Back, who was earlier featured as part of the Blog Herald’s 100 blog in 100 days promotion, I’m going to join the same experiment, if only to see if I can beat Elliot himself on Blogsoftheday.

For those of you not using or reading the excellent Blogs of the Day site, Elliot decided recently to put up a post in relation to Britney Spears, with some shots as well, to see how it feared in terms of blog traffic. The post has dominated Blogs of the Day ever since. Now I’m not one for just knocking someone else off this list, but in terms of experiments its all in good fun. So here’s my only request: if you would like to link to this post, can you only link to the words “Britney Spears”. In return in a week or two I will post publicly the results of the experiment. If you want to replicate it, I’d only encourage you to pick another celebrity, my personal choice would naturally be Angelina Jolie….what is it that Bart says….eye curumba!!!. Even pick another celebritity. More importantly though if you do put up a post and pictures of a celebrity and measure the stats, email me your results. It might not be the most scientific experiment we’ve ever undertaken, but it will be fun :-)

Britany Spears Pictures:

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