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Mena dumped by SixApart investors: insider says lots of fighting, Mena in tears

Mena dumped by SixApart investors: insider says lots of fighting, Mena in tears

A SixApart insider has contacted The Blog Herald alleging that Mena Trott was dumped as CEO of SixApart and did not stepped down as per the spin on her blog. The same source alleges that the move came after several weeks of worsening relations between Mena and investors, including fighting over the phone with Mena ending up in tears on more than one occasion over the poor performance of the company to date. Her working relationships within SixApart’s San Mateo, CA, office are alleged to be “very poor” and the source speculates that given time the investors will look at buying out the Trotts.

Whilst the source also names the people allegedy involved in these fights, and the organisations they represent, we have chosen not to publish them at this stage for legal reasons.

The move comes as little surprise to many in the blogosphere after the gross mishandling of corporate decision making and publicity at SixApart under Mena’s stewardship.

The company, which when first formed many thought would go on to bigger and better things (including by The Blog Herald) has lurched from crisis to crisis as its continues to burn money with what our insider has described as a “totally overboard” number of staff recruitments, and through its disastrous licensing fiasco which cost it untold amounts of good will from its once strongest asset, its supporters in the Blogosphere who did so much to give the company such strong positive publicity at little to no cost.

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We can only hope that with Mena now gone, SixApart may get back on track and become the company many of us thought it could become, one that is not only successful but a good corporate citizen of the blogosphere.

View Comments (11)
  • Your insider knows nothing. I was at their office this morning and they were all laughing together. Being the CEO is a shitty job and Mena is smart to let someone else take that on and do something she enjoys. (And, btw, they are quite profitable.)

  • Apple is about to snatch 6A up for exclusive rights to use MT in OS X. Mitsubishi Suzuki BMW X Y Z!

  • What a load of rancid steaming dogshit!

    I’ve got a tip from an insider at the blogherald that the owners have a rampant diaper-wearing fetish.

  • And it’s nice to see that Mena’s got a bunch of gutless wonders for friends commenting on TBH.

    I’m with TBH on this one.

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