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MySpace now at 45.5 million users 47.3 million users

MySpace now at 45.5 million users 47.3 million users

The News Corp owner social network and blogging service MySpace now has 45.5 million users and is growing by an amazing 160,000 new users a day, according to MediaPost (via email). All accounts come with a user blog, although I understand that they cant be indexed externally…thats 45.5 million blogs now on MySpace. Amazing.

Update: 30 minutes after I wrote it a new article about MySpace appeared at USA Today reporting 47.3 million users.

View Comments (8)
  • MySpace may have 47.3 million users but how many of those users are legit? Just like blogs found on Blogger and other free services, it doesn’t take much to create a site that is easily meta-locatable in a search and place enough url-redirectors on the page to flood a searchers display with pop-ups, pop-unders, and if running IE, viruses. Sadly, numbers can be over-inflated without taking into consideration the true value of the content (or service).

  • I don’t see the appeal of MySpace. It looks like crap, to be blunt. There are tons of networks which offer the same services and look better or just as crappy. People are like a herd of cattle, they go where they’re told.

  • The problem is that people can’t make up their mind for themselves. It’s social networking at its worst. I remember when MySpace came out, they hyped it like crazy, I can’t believe it lasted through the dotBomb.

  • The original (a file-storage site) didn’t last through the dotbomb. MySpace as a social networking site is only a couple years old.

  • Their interface won’t win any design awards, but they have killer network effect. 160,000 a day?! Amazing.

  • BenJ: I agree that MySpace was originally a file storage site that didn’t last but the actual MySpace has been around for awhile in one iteration or another.

    Jie: Their network effect is that of hundreds of thousands of pre-teen and teens surfing for friends. Since advertising is geared towards them, it is an excellent revenue maker for Rupurt Murdoch’s media company. The real tangible value, though, is nowhere close to some of the larger mixed media sites.

  • Myspace is great.
    Yes, there are problems, it happens with 45+ million users.
    Wether there are similar sites or not, even better ones, I have never gone to one, nor do I know the names of any, and have never thought about being a member of one until myspace, and it is a good way to communicate with friends, find old ones, make new ones.
    The system is clever and has a sort of “checks and balances” feel to it, with the personal settings you can choose etc.
    It works well considering the constant flood of new users.
    I doubt there is anywhere on the web which would offer a more appealing, easy way to do all that myspace does, with downloading mp3.s from musicians etc. Where else can you send messages or comments straight to your favorite group?
    As far as layout goes, it is a bit disorganized, and plain, but you can customize it to an extent, plus it is free.
    To use a cliche term (a lame one) “Don’t Hate.”

  • Yeah i don’t know why they don’t have it where the search engines can index the blogs it doesn’t make sense they could easily make it where they are indexed there for example the blogs on with simular script there blogs are indexed.

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