Riley on Easy Bake hookup
by Duncan
June 14, 2005
Duncan Riley> For anybody interested in the dulcet tones of a boy from Western Australia, or more seriously is interested in blogging related topics I’m doing a Q & A free-for-all on a phone hookup with Andy from Easy Bake Weblogs . Any one can join in from Tuesday June 14th @ 9pm US EST 1-858-400-4040, Access code: 60657. I’ll be open to any questions, but the main topic areas I’ll be chatting about will be
* Understanding bloggers and blogging: embracing blogging or insulting bloggers
* The international blogosphere: understanding that the blogosphere has no borders and the opportunities this presents
* Marketing blogs and increasing traffic
Will you be offering a recording of it once it’s over or is just a one time deal? :)