Technorati launches Blog Finder
by Duncan
September 2, 2005
Blog indexing firm Technorati has launched Blog Finder, a new service that according to David Sifry answers the question of “How can you find authoritative blogs on a subject”.
The system relies on bloggers implementing Technorati tags on their blogs that indicate the topic of the blog.
Josh Hallett has a good review of the service here, detailing some of the problems he’s found with the results.
(thanks to Josh Hallett and Yang for the heads up)
Yay! Yet another unwanted feature from Technorati, while they let their main offering (search) suffer and wail.
I “tagged” myself with the full 20 allowed.
I came in number 1 in Laughter and Optimism! Woo-hoo!
(Slightly disconcerting that I was the ONLY one in Optimism – LOL)