Voting opens at the 2006 Australian Blog Awards
Voting time and for the first time in a long time I’m going to bleg: Vote 1 The Blog Herald in the Best Western Australian Blog category and Best Mainstream Media Blog Category. The second category would be particualry sweet given I’m up against the Sydney Morning Herald and the ABC. Of course also vote for Problogger in Best Victorian Blog and Best Tech Blog as well. Only catch you’ve got to register to vote, but I’m quite impartial to bribery. If I win Best Western Australian blog there might have to be a prize to some one who voted of a free stubbie of Emu Bitter, and then you’ll really get to understand the meaning of the word bitter (or is that Cats Piss??…whoops, that’s that Foster’s rubbish we export overseas and no one drinks here :-) )
Wow, Duncan, the news is out … Congrat’s! But I’ll be missing you:-)
Yeah, I rember those stubbies, and Emu beer. Wow, nothing changes down there, except that blogs get sold. Well done, Duncan. The very best of fortune for the future. You deserve it.