Weekend cryptic question: which leading website continues to steal content ideas without credit
No, its not CNet news (we already know these guys have a problem). It has a number of high profile bloggers writing for it, including people I know well, and it pre-dates blogs (well at least in ezine form). The evidence I’€™m still compiling, but there’€™s a post here at the Blog Herald that used a term of phrase that I tossed and turned on because its grammatically incorrect but descriptively correct that’€™s mysteriously appeared on this site in a story that took a take that as far as I know I was the first to take. Although they make some effort in re-writing stories, the idea’€™s are stolen and certain parts and links are always the same, and it nearly always lacks a link to the idea source. And the particular writer on this site doesn’€™t just steal from me, time and time again I’€™ve seen stuff re-written from other sites without any credit given (its ok to put your own take on a story, its not ok to not say where you got the idea from).
Any ideas? Heres a hint: Staff Writer.
Over the weekend I’m going to go back and see if I can match some earlier stuff as well before I start naming people because the truth is always the best defence to legal action :-) . More soon.
This is getting interesting. I am looking forward to reading more on this from you. ;-)
It’s a shame that this kind of things happen. I have personally gone through that twice with a leading blog in my country.
ooh – interesting. Don’t leave us hanging dude!
Is it Lockergnome ?
They are already known for stealing Wiki Content.
Do you mean Wikipedia? Because their content is under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Its not Lockergnome and its not Wikipedia. Bit it shares something in common with Darren :-)
Is it http://www.zombo.com?
Nancy Clark of Des Moines Register
Hey, is it O`Reilly?