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Will the odd PC user at BloggerCon kindly stand up

Will the odd PC user at BloggerCon kindly stand up

photo from Dan Bricklin’s BloggerCon photos

Earlier on BloggerCon was criticized as being for an elite few by a self appointed elite few, including by the Blog Herald. Whilst Dave Winer did an excellent job of attracting a diverse field of participants, one must wonder whether BloggerCon would be better known as AppleCon given the image above, and others appearing in the Blogosphere, of the conference. Given that less than 10% of the population uses Macs, and although the statistics is slightly higher for Bloggers, the near dominance of Mac Laptops at the conference is bizarre at best. Some may argue that more intelligent people use Macs, but as a Blog edited on at PC, The Blog Herald asks: “why so many Macs, or are we just stupid?”

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