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“Celebrating” World Backup Day 2016

“Celebrating” World Backup Day 2016

World Backup Day 2016

Everyone knows that you have to back your data up regularly. Everyone.

But how many people actually do it on a regular basis? How many actually back up their data at least once a month? How often do you back up your data?

Okay, I’m not going to hide it. I am one of the hard headed ones who know how important it is to back data up and yet don’t do it as often as possible.

Today is World Backup Day, however, so I thought it would be the perfect time to share this graphic taking a look at – you guessed it – backing up.

I’m working under the assumption that you know which files you need to back up, although priorities will surely differ.

The bottom line is that you have another copy of your computer data that you can access in case your computer crashes (if you use Windows…). Same thing for mobile phones. This is one of the reasons I love iCloud, by the way.

The History of Data Storage: Infographic

So, the infographic below presents some numbers about data:

  • 64% of people worldwide would be more upset about losing their data as opposed to their device (uh, yeah…)
  • 37% of small businesses have had to restore lost data from a backup at some point (blogging as a business? You know what to do.)

Also, did you know about the 3-2-1 backup rule?

  • 3 copies of anything you care about
  • 2 different formats
  • 1 offsite backup

I am going to be in such deep sh#t…

See Also
Apple Silicon Processor

Anyhow, there is more to know about backing up data, so here is the infographic.

“Don’t be an April fool.” Back up your data today!

World Backup Day 2016 Infographic

World Backup Day 2016


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