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29 Traffic Generating Tips From 29 Bloggers

29 Traffic Generating Tips From 29 Bloggers

In 29 Traffic Generation Tips That Actually Work, the author of Inspiration Bit shares their group participation in the Daily Blog Tips project to share 29 traffic generation tips from 29 other bloggers.

The idea was to generate traffic to your blog, share good tips on traffic generation, and get 29 linkbacks to your blog as one of the participants.

Reading through the list of 29 traffic generation tips from 29 different participants, I found that the tip itself should be top of the list. What better way to “emphasize online collaboration” as part of the Web 2.0 spirit than create a project that links 29 bloggers together.

Cruising through the list of 29 traffic generating tips, I found some precious gems.

Create a new design for your website. Not only will it be more attractive to your regular readers, but you can submit it to some CSS gallery showcase sites that feature great designs. This will give you exposure on those sites while generating a lot of traffic and backlinks from those types of sites. (Eric Atkins)

…According to my Google Analytics, about 35% of my traffic comes from other people’s blogs and 25% comes from the forums I’m active with, while search engines provide about 15%. I post comments on other blogs that are related to mine, and I post my site link in my signature at the forums. (Brian Auer)

…A simple tip that will probably boost your page views: install a translator plugin…it helps to attract readers that are not fluent in English. (Daniel)

…Nothing creates long-term traffic more than value. Making a post along the lines of ‘Evaluated resources for XYZ’ is useful. (Ian Delaney)

…A great tip for generating traffic is off-line by including your url in all your off-line literature from business cards, letterheads, pamphlets, adverts through in-store signage if applicable. I even have our website on my vehicle. (Andrew Timberlake)

…Simplify. Pay attention to complex issues in your field of work. It may be a big long publication that is hard to wade through or a concept that is hard to grasp. Reference it and make a shorter “for dummies” version with your own lessons learned and relevant tips. When doing this, I have been surprised to find that the simplified post will appear before the more complex version in search results. Perhaps this is why it results in increased traffic; people looking for more help or clarification on the subject will land on your blog. (Kyle)

The majority of the tips on the list dealt with interaction with other blogs such as read other blogs, comment on other blogs, write about other blogs, and in turn, encourage them to write about you.

There is no doubt that the heart of “Web 2.0” socialization of the web is the interaction blogging provides, connecting the strands of the web in ways the original developers of the web barely imagined.

See Also
revamping your home

My favorite tip came from my friend, Engtech, who wrote:

Community. It’s one word but it is the most important one when it comes to blogging. The only “blog metric” that makes sense is the vibrant community of readers it has. Building a community around your blog will bring you increased traffic, but how do you start? The boilerplate response to building traffic is always “SEO, social networking sites, and commenting on blogs” but it can be simplified to “be part of a community”. The easiest way to seed your blog is with an already existing community. But the only way to do that is to be part of the community yourself.

Exactly right.

What tip would you offer to encourage traffic to your blog? What works for you? What doesn’t work?

Lorelle VanFossen blogs about blogging and WordPress on .

View Comments (7)
  • I recently asked this question at hamelife – only in relation to my own site and how visitors found me. A handful commented, and basically it came down to two things:

    1. Commenting and interacting on other blogs.

    2. Submitting articles to Blog Carnivals.

    It only relates to my own site, but I’ll certainly be continuing to do these two things.

  • Another good method to increase traffic and site visibility is to use free advertising and link exchanges. A lot of bloggers nowadays are so amped up on ‘SEO’ and ‘viral marketing’ that they forget about this simple and efficient method. I have used a couple of these since I have been blogging and found that they bring in a good amount of traffic without requiring much upkeep or money (always an added bonus). One of the better services that I have used is because they allow content targeting and work with both WordPress and Blogger. I’ve also dabbled with and found it to be a good directory as well. Hope these help.


  • Great tips – it’s very easy for me to fall into the “build it and they will come” mentality. I dare say getting head-down into all the technical aspects encourages that.

    Also don’t forget the power of Engtech’s cat avatar. It’s a big reason why I initially checked out his blog. I’m totally serious.

  • Hi!
    “…Building a community around your blog will bring you increased traffic…”.
    I tried, but probably my readers are not interested in partecipate. Now I have 407 members but only few of them are “active” members. :-(

  • only now I noticed that this post is written by Lorelle VanFossen. Here’s another tip on getting more traffic to your site: write articles that will attract A-list bloggers like Lorelle to link back to your blog :-)
    Just don’t ask me what type of articles should you write, that part is still a mystery to me ;-)

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