3rd BlogDay coming Friday 31st August
A little advanced notice that the third annual BlogDay is coming up at the end of this month.
The idea is that bloggers should dedicate one day to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and other areas of interest, by recommending five new blogs that they find interesting, and notifying those bloggers that they’re being recommended.
I like the principle, but in much the same way as I think wedding anniversaries and Valentine’s Day are important, but not the complete focus.
Blogathon‘s and BlogDays are great, but – particularly when some argue that the art of interlinking between blogs is dying – I think it’s important to maintain an attitude of widening our nets and linking up with others the whole year round.
Many blogs (and I admit some of my own have fallen victim) have closed down the amount of times they link out, save perhaps for the courteous acknowledgement link to the source of information at the end of a post.
If BlogDay encourages bloggers to make a habit of looking further outside their niches and beyond their comfort zones, then it’s done a good job. It’s a shame, though, when initiatives such as this are exciting for a day, then simply forgotten for another year.
Having read about BlogDay, I’m planning to use it as a reason to kick start my own efforts to rekindle the link love with other bloggers. How will you celebrate BlogDay, if at all?
Andy Merrett is a London-based full-time blogger writing for several Shiny Media technology blogs and various other projects. Find him on Facebook and Twitter.
I need to jumpstart blogging on my own personal blog, as well! Been so busy. :)