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B5media Unleashes The Vampires

B5media Unleashes The Vampires

The b5media blog network has been busy, mashing all their blogs into supersites, like Splendicity which we’ve talked about before. That doesn’t stop them from launching new blogs, although it has been a while. The latest one is called and features everything Twilight, of course. I can’t tell if it is good or bad, I just know that I’m not the target audience here…

We’ve been wanting to start this site for a long time and are very excited to be launching new blogs once again! is written by b5media veteran writer Nikki Katz, who you may know from

That’s from the Inside b5media blog post. It’ll probably do fine given the topic.

View Comments (2)
  • Hi Michael. You’d be shocked at the attention Twilight and it’s stars gets whenever it’s mentioned, even in passing, on any of our blogs…while I’m not a huge fan either (never read the books or seen the movie), it’s hard to ignore that there is a pretty insanely strong following out there.

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