BloggerCon 3 takes on Christmas theme as Winer trys to cheer up despondent Kerry Bloggers
BloggerCon 3 started this morning at the Stanford Law School with Blog-god Dave Winer adopting a Christmas theme this year in an attempt to cheer up a despondent Kerry bloggers.
Amongst the new innovations at this 3rd annual 6 monthly? when Dave feels like it Blogging convention are show bags with a number of freebies following generous donations from many companies on both sides of the Christmas debate.
Microsoft, in the we’re against Christmas because its public domain open source camp have contributed free Internet Explorer CDs in an attempt to remind the bloggers in attendance that there is an alternative browser to Firefox.
Mena “there is a Santa Claus” Trott from SixApart has kindly donated well paying positions at SixApart for all attendees who may have used MovableType in the last 4 years.
Representatives from Google, who are said to be Christmas Agnostics (we don’t know or care what form Christmas takes but we’ll help you find an answer) have offered free copies of the recently released books “Atom for Dummies” and “Comment Spam: how it helps your Google rank”.
Matt Mullenweg from WordPress, a true believer in Christmas (his new slogan “we do Christmas better) is offering free tickets to the upcoming Las Vegas title fight between himself and heavy weight champion of the world, Ben Trott.
left: Mena gets into the spirit
above right: Dave plays santa to cheer up the troops.
Funny! Thank-God for humor huh!?