Bloggers Can Attend the Democratic National Convention. Slots Still Open!
This summer’s Democratic National Convention, slated for late August, will allow YOU to attend. OK, maybe not YOU. But if you are a political blogger,there is a fighting chance you could make the guest list.
The convention committee’s CEO, Leah Daughtry, has announced unprecedented access to select bloggers.
Interested? Fill out this application form. Hurry! The deadline is April 15.
The DNC is allowing one blogger to sit with each state’s delegation.
“When our nominee for president of the United States takes the stage, members of the DemConvention State Blogger Corps will witness this historic moment from the best seats in the house, and in turn, be able to offer their dedicated readers back home a first-hand account,” says Daughtry.
Applications have been accepted since early this year. However, certain positions (which have not been revealed) only have one or two candidates.
To gain entrance, your blog must be at least six months old with at least 120 political posts. You also must provide some basic traffic information.
Andrew G.R. is the owner of Jobacle, a career advice and employment news blog and podcast designed to make work better. Follow him on Twitter.
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