Blogging Bytes: October 20, 2009
Save the Turtles – A 24-hour blogathon is scheduled for Sunday to help raise funds for the newly-established Turtle Conservation Centre in Setiu, Malaysia. A new blog post about freshwater and marine turtles will be written every hour. If you have a question on the matter, here’s your chance to get answers from the trained conservationists.
The Biggest Loser – Blogger Stacy Woltmann is on the road to lose 100lbs, but rather than do it in the privacy of home, she is chronicling her progress on Am Skinny Jeans. Root her on!
The Verdict Is In! – Australian courts will allow court cases to be covered live via Twitter on a case-by-case basis. The decision on if Tweeting is OK is up to the presiding judge.
Blogging From the Toilet – Someone in New York can earn up to $10,000 from toilet paper manufacturer Charmin this holiday season. The job? “Greet and entertain bathroom guests. Then blog about the experience. All candidates must really, really enjoy going to the bathroom.”
Andrew G.R. is the owner of Jobacle, a career advice and employment news blog and podcast designed to make work better. Follow him on Twitter.
Thank you so much, Andrew, for helping spread news about the Turtle Blogathon! We are so excited about the event we can’t wait for it to begin!